Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm glad it's a holiday weekend for me. I needed an extra day for sure! I was so busy all weekend, I think I'm just going to spend my day browsing the internet for some great deals and coupons, catching up on the NBA All-Star Weekend festivities, and of course - load after load of LAUNDRY. Mom duties never end and I personally think that the laundry never ends either, anyone else?

While I'm at it though, I think I'll jump in on some blog hops too. I love finding new blogs to check out and follow. Come on and hop along with us! You can also catch up with me on twitter today! Come on over there and check out my tweets! I'm @msjenhen.


The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's time to SniqueAway!!!

Would you just love to  just get away? Would you love to take amazing trips - each and every one of them for an amazing deal? I'm talking about deals as much as 50% off the very best available rate anywhere? For a minute, just imagine yourself away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Imagine yourself here...

Everyone needs to get away. As a BzzAgent, I was invited to join SniqueAway. This is truly an awesome new site. That's the only way you can get in on these extraordinary deals - you have to be invited to join. I know, you're thinking, how the heck can I get invited? Well, that's no problem at all. I'm inviting you. I want to offer all of you a chance to pack your bags and get away! Just click here and sign up. It's that simple!

You get a Snique Peek

  • SniqueAway is part of Smarter Travel Media, a TripAdvisor Media Group company
  • All hotels featured have earned a minimum four-star industry classification and four out of five review ratings on TripAdvisor
  • Exclusive SniqueAway sales only last up to seven days or until the offer sells out

This is how it works

Understanding SniqueAway is quite easy and once your a member, you simply:
  1. Take a Peek. Check out today's swoon-inducing sales and peek at future escapes.
  2. Book your Get Away and Act Fast! These amazing offers only last up to 7 days.
  3. Save your Cash. Get A-List accommodations at Members-Only rates.
  4. Rave. Invite YOUR friends to SniqueAway and you'll get $25 credit when they book their first escape.
So what are you waiting for? Go on... Sign up... Get Away Today!
You might even get it for FREE!

Receive a coupon* for one (1) FREE package of new PHILADELPHIA Cooking Creme (up to $4.49 value). It's spoonable, perfectly seasoned and so rich and creamy, it helps you fight chicken fatigue with ease by making boring chicken taste outrageously delicious! Available in Italian Cheese and Herb, Savory Garlic, and Santa Fe Blend, just imagine what it can do for beef, pork, pasta, fish, and more.

If you're already a member of Krafts First Taste, I encourage to go login to your account and click "My Offers" to see if you are one of the lucky ones. If you're a lucky one, you will find a coupon for a FREE package of the new Philadelphia Cooking Creme - up to a $4.49 value! I did and sure enough, I was a lucky one. Waiting there for me to click and print was a coupon for a FREE package! 

Do you want to try for your own coupon? If you're not already a member, I definitely recommend joining! Krafts First Taste members are the first to find out about new products that have hit the market. That's not the only perk either. From time to time they may send you FREE product coupons as well as extra ones to pass out to your friends and family! Bookmark Krafts First Taste and check back on a regular basis. They add new high value coupons from time to time. I've gotten a lot of great coupons!  

Oh, and by the way... I've also been selected to host a PHILLY Dinnertime Dilemma House Party™ 

Do you like to throw dinner parties? Girl's Night Get Togethers? Do you like to try new products? If you do, head on over to House Party and sign up. Parties are held all the time across the country! Each event is sponsored by a leading brand and focuses on something exciting and new that the sponsor wants its very best fans to experience first and share with their friends! It's going to be so much fun. As a host, you get a party package mailed directly to you. I can't wait to get my party package in the mail!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

From Lazy to CVS to Lazy on Superbowl Sunday

It's been a very lazy Sunday for me, more like a very lazy weekend to be totally honest. It doesn't help that it felt like Christmas this morning because I woke up knowing that it was going to be a great "lay around and watch sports day" for me. This morning though was all about clipping my coupons from the two Sunday papers that I get. Seriously, I take my sweet time every Sunday morning doing this while enjoying myself several cups of tea. This morning was no different. But by the time I was finished clipping coupons from the paper and surfing the internet for links to more coupons to print and clip, it was 1:30 p.m. I always lose all track of time on Sunday mornings, but that's okay, Sunday is my day! Really, 1:30 p.m. though? It was definitely time to get in the shower and get my butt to CVS for some great deals on make-up (CoverGirl coupons and $5 ECB when you spend $15). I ended up getting a new mascara and eyeliner for about $3.50 a piece! Can't go wrong there! 

I got home in time for the 2nd half of the Celtics game. I was trying to hurry through CVS because I had been getting twitter updates to my blackberry about the Celtics game and was extremely bummed to find out that Marquis Daniels, Bostons' reserve swingman, was carried off the court on a stretcher, after a collision with Orlando's Gilbert Arenas, during the 2nd quarter, with a "neck injury". 
After being evaluated at New England Baptist Hospital, Marquis is doing well . He has been diagnosed with a bruised spinal cord.  He will be out for at least a month. This means Boston is again, down a man. This gives Avery Bradley another chance to play in the NBA. He will come up from the D-league (Maine Red Claws) to step in for the injured Daniels.

It was amazing to see how the team collected themselves after this because I'm sure everyone's thoughts were on Daniels.  Basketball was the last thing on any of their minds. They managed to gather themselves  though and came on strong in the 3rd and 4th quarters to slide by the Dwight Howard and his Magic. Our defense held Orlando to 80 points the entire game and the Celtics won by 11. Final score was 91 to 80. Celtics - you make me proud!

I'm still being lazy. I'm still laying on the couch. I'm still watching sports. This Superbowl isn't of too much interest to me. I'm not a fan of either team so it doesn't truly matter to me who takes home the ring tonight. I'll watch though, because I am a fan of football. I'm a fan of big burly men running around in tight pants!
I guess it's time for me to get myself ready for the long week ahead. I had two snow days last week (unheard of in my 15 years of employment with NESG). It's back to work for real this week, although I hear we are expecting more snow in Western MA this week. I'm asking nicely for mother nature to keep her dandruff to herself. I've had enough and I've nowhere to put it anymore. I feel like I'm living in Alaska lately!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to Hollywood - Kind of

How did I ever forget that I was in the official Staind video for their song Outside. It's not that I had forgotten completely about it. I was reminded the other day when a friend of a friend told me she thought she saw me on television in a music video. This video brings back so many memories. 

It's been a while (no pun intended for all of us Staind lovers) since this video was filmed. I had won tickets to the taping through a local music station, Lazer 99.3. There were four of us who went to the Hippodrome that night. We were lost in a sea of people but we somehow managed to fight our way forward. I actually got to the stage - directly in front of Aaron Lewis. I was completely star struck. Nigel Dick, the director, was plucking people out of the crowd and placing them in the front row. Yes, he was actually placing people in front of those of us who fought so hard to get there ourselves. Quite honestly, I thought he would put someone right in front of little ole me. I was wrong. He placed people in front of the two people next to me on my right and my left.  Production began and I was so excited that I wasn't "moved out of the way" for the beautiful people. "Outside" was started and stopped, over and over, at least 300 times that night. I didn't care. I was in a Staind music video. This video was going to air on television. This was my  ten seconds of fame - even if I was the only one who thought about it that way. 

Check it out. The first time you see me, I'm at 45 seconds. If you pause it, there are three girls in the "crowd", I'm the one on the right. I'm in the video quite a few more times too.

Haven't heard too much from Staind lately. They're all busy raising beautiful families. Most of them right here in Western Mass, I believe. After touring the country over and over again, they've come back to their roots. I remember watching them before they turned into the huge stars they have since become. I remember bartending while they were on stage rocking out right next to me. They played at TJ Hourihan's in Springfield a lot before they broke out of here. TJ's was my first bartending job. It's since shut down, but it was the place to be when I was the young tender age of 22. Who knew at that time that I would be in one of their music videos. Not me, but I'm glad I was. It's pretty cool!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who ticked Mother Nature OFF?

I tried to get to work this morning. Seriously, I tried. 

I left my house about 8 o'clock - before the falling snow got "too bad" - or so I thought. Living in a very hilly, very small, somewhat-country town in Western MA, I was thinking, since I got up the first hill, around a corner, and down another hill, there was no way I couldn't make it up the next. Um ya, it did NOT go as planned, at all. I tried so hard to get up the next hill - DENIED. I turn around and try a different hill - nope, DENIED again. At this point in my travels, I decide it's time to just turn around and head home. However, that means getting myself up the, "oh so much bigger than ever", hill that I came down originally about an hour before - yes, I have been five minutes away from my house for the last hour and a half at this point. I don't normally get myself all worked up but this was a "special occasion". What was I going to do? I turned around and tried to head back the way I came. By some miracle, I made it up that hill.  Actually, I made it up that hill and around the corner. I made it all the way back home. I made it back into the driveway that I NEVER should have left in the first place, just like my mother told me. Yes, I am 35 years old and I still don't listen to my mother all the time. I'm still one of those people who has to "learn on my own". Well, not tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere. "Storm Ella" is on her way and she is going to dump another 16 inches on top of the 50 inches we already have out there! I want to know how she can be so mean. 

Excuse me... Mother Nature, I want a divorce. I can't take anymore of your dumping and I don't think you are being very nice!