Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who ticked Mother Nature OFF?

I tried to get to work this morning. Seriously, I tried. 

I left my house about 8 o'clock - before the falling snow got "too bad" - or so I thought. Living in a very hilly, very small, somewhat-country town in Western MA, I was thinking, since I got up the first hill, around a corner, and down another hill, there was no way I couldn't make it up the next. Um ya, it did NOT go as planned, at all. I tried so hard to get up the next hill - DENIED. I turn around and try a different hill - nope, DENIED again. At this point in my travels, I decide it's time to just turn around and head home. However, that means getting myself up the, "oh so much bigger than ever", hill that I came down originally about an hour before - yes, I have been five minutes away from my house for the last hour and a half at this point. I don't normally get myself all worked up but this was a "special occasion". What was I going to do? I turned around and tried to head back the way I came. By some miracle, I made it up that hill.  Actually, I made it up that hill and around the corner. I made it all the way back home. I made it back into the driveway that I NEVER should have left in the first place, just like my mother told me. Yes, I am 35 years old and I still don't listen to my mother all the time. I'm still one of those people who has to "learn on my own". Well, not tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere. "Storm Ella" is on her way and she is going to dump another 16 inches on top of the 50 inches we already have out there! I want to know how she can be so mean. 

Excuse me... Mother Nature, I want a divorce. I can't take anymore of your dumping and I don't think you are being very nice!

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