Sunday, February 6, 2011

From Lazy to CVS to Lazy on Superbowl Sunday

It's been a very lazy Sunday for me, more like a very lazy weekend to be totally honest. It doesn't help that it felt like Christmas this morning because I woke up knowing that it was going to be a great "lay around and watch sports day" for me. This morning though was all about clipping my coupons from the two Sunday papers that I get. Seriously, I take my sweet time every Sunday morning doing this while enjoying myself several cups of tea. This morning was no different. But by the time I was finished clipping coupons from the paper and surfing the internet for links to more coupons to print and clip, it was 1:30 p.m. I always lose all track of time on Sunday mornings, but that's okay, Sunday is my day! Really, 1:30 p.m. though? It was definitely time to get in the shower and get my butt to CVS for some great deals on make-up (CoverGirl coupons and $5 ECB when you spend $15). I ended up getting a new mascara and eyeliner for about $3.50 a piece! Can't go wrong there! 

I got home in time for the 2nd half of the Celtics game. I was trying to hurry through CVS because I had been getting twitter updates to my blackberry about the Celtics game and was extremely bummed to find out that Marquis Daniels, Bostons' reserve swingman, was carried off the court on a stretcher, after a collision with Orlando's Gilbert Arenas, during the 2nd quarter, with a "neck injury". 
After being evaluated at New England Baptist Hospital, Marquis is doing well . He has been diagnosed with a bruised spinal cord.  He will be out for at least a month. This means Boston is again, down a man. This gives Avery Bradley another chance to play in the NBA. He will come up from the D-league (Maine Red Claws) to step in for the injured Daniels.

It was amazing to see how the team collected themselves after this because I'm sure everyone's thoughts were on Daniels.  Basketball was the last thing on any of their minds. They managed to gather themselves  though and came on strong in the 3rd and 4th quarters to slide by the Dwight Howard and his Magic. Our defense held Orlando to 80 points the entire game and the Celtics won by 11. Final score was 91 to 80. Celtics - you make me proud!

I'm still being lazy. I'm still laying on the couch. I'm still watching sports. This Superbowl isn't of too much interest to me. I'm not a fan of either team so it doesn't truly matter to me who takes home the ring tonight. I'll watch though, because I am a fan of football. I'm a fan of big burly men running around in tight pants!
I guess it's time for me to get myself ready for the long week ahead. I had two snow days last week (unheard of in my 15 years of employment with NESG). It's back to work for real this week, although I hear we are expecting more snow in Western MA this week. I'm asking nicely for mother nature to keep her dandruff to herself. I've had enough and I've nowhere to put it anymore. I feel like I'm living in Alaska lately!


  1. Hi Jen,

    I'm visiting from Bloggy Moms. I am not a huge sports fan - I actually don't know much about sports at all. I watched the Puppy Bowl instead of the Superbowl :-)

    Anyway, I'm your newest follower.

    Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

  2. Hi DP!

    Thanks for the comment and the follow! Nice to "meet" you. I'm following you since last night! I love your blog! I'm a big basketball fan and an football fan. I watched some of both the Puppy Bowl and the Superbowl (had to see those commercials)

    Thanks again for the follow. Bloggy Moms is great and I'm finding blogging to be a ton of fun!

