I love meeting new friends! I think you should join us - Graphic Design by Tara is hosting this Mid Week Mingle Blog Hop. C'mon now... Come along and meet some new friends with us!
This blog hop allows you to link any site you want! You don't have to have a blog you can link absolutely any site - Facebook, Twitter, Etsy... The cool thing is ANYTHING GOES!
It's simple to participate, here are the rules:
- Please place the "Mid Week Mingle Blog Hop" button in a blog post and/or on your blog somewhere. This lets us all know where to find each other - or post about it on facebook, twitter, etsy...
- Follow Graphic Design by Tara and Saving and Bleeding Green
- Visit at least 2 other blogs on the list (after the jump).
- Add your name/image to the linky list so we can visit you back. I will be following everyone who follows me.
- Comments are optional but always appreciated.
Please support this blog hop by using your Facebook, Twitter, and forums to advertise. It's great for everyone to discover new friends, followers, and fantastic blogs!