I'm soo excited to be #MOMoftheDAY at Mom it Forward!!! Just wanted to blog a little note! I'm at work and can't take too much time - I'm currently on my lunch!!! I'll be back with a bigger thank you blog post later!!!
So, I eventually got home from work tonight, after running all of my errands (I got out of work at 5:00 pm and finally got home at 8:00 pm. The first thing I did was get comfy in my pj's. Then I sat down on the couch with my laptop. I wanted to check out Mom It Forward some more. I've got to say, it was fun to meet some new friends at the first LIVE CHAT in the MomItForward chat room - I got such a nice warm reception from everyone there! I can't wait to do it all again at the next chat!
After the LIVE CHAT was over, I hopped on over to twitter, of course. You see, I love to tweet - A LOT. At the #backyardplay #gno twitter party, I was able to connect with so many great people. If you're on twitter, you can follow Mom It Forward here. While your at it, hop on over and tweet the co-founder of Mom It Forward, Jyl Johnson Pattee here. You can also find Mom it Forward on Facebook.
I've had a quiet, relaxing night and I'm so happy that I am able to be a part of such a great community in the social media world! Mom It Forward is a perfect place to meet other women!